

The IEEE PES SBC CEA organized a quiz event as part of the IEEE DAY Celebrations 2024, in collaboration with the IEEE PES Kerala Chapter. The quiz focused on the topic of Power and Energy and was specifically designed for first-year students to raise awareness and enhance their knowledge in the field of power and energy.

Execom Meet

The IEEE SB CEA ExCom Meeting was scheduled for 9th of October, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM in the IEEE Room at the College of Engineering Adoor.The meeting was a core executive meeting held in the presence of core execom members.

Execom Meet

IEEE SB CEA organized its execom meet for the month of September on 30th September,2024 at the College Auditorium, CE Adoor. Core members of our student branch were invited for the meeting.

IEEE Computer Society SBC College of Engineering Adoor organized a webinar called XtremeLaunch 2.0 : A session on Competitive Coding. The event was organized as part of the series ‘XtremeLaunch’ to guide students through the world of competitive coding. This session, in particular, focused on solving coding problems on the platform LeetCode.

IEEE Computer Society SBC College of Engineering Adoor organized a webinar called XtremeLaunch : A session on IEEEXtreme 18.0. The event aimed at introducing participants to the prestigious IEEEXtreme 18.0, a global coding competition. The session provided essential insights and tips for aspiring coders, especially for those new to competitive programming.

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted the quiz for the month of December on 27 December 2023 at 7.30 PM via gforms.

IEEE SB CEA in collaboration with IEEE CS SB CEA conducted a Hands-on workshop IoTech:Product development.The session was headed by Mr.Harijith V Nair.The session was conducted as a part of AAROH’24-The Tech Fest of College Of Engineering,Adoor

The IEEE PES SBC CEA, in collaboration with IEEE SB CEA QUIZ CLUB, organized a quiz event as part of IEEE PES DAY Celebrations 2024,focusing on the topic ELECTRIC VEHICLES.

Execom Meet

IEEE SB CEA organized its execom meet for the month of April on 18th April 2024 at the College Auditorium, CE Adoor. All the members of our student branch were invited for the meeting.

Know Your Society

An introductory and awareness session- 'Know Your Society', about IEEE PES, was held by IEEE PES SBC CEAon16th April 2024. It was conducted in the form of a panel discussion session and it was mainly focused on the first year students.

TRA!N UP 2.0

TRA!N UP 2.0 is a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA. To begin the series the student branch brought up a talk session on ‘Documentation &VTools’


IEEE SB College of Engineering Adoor successfully conducted, ROUTECRAFT an IEEE R10 Robotics Workshop, organized jointly by the IEEE Kerala Section and IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter. The workshop was conducted on 6th April 2024 at Seminar Hall of College Of Engineering ,Adoor. The speaker was Mr. Flemin K Sony, UAV Lead, SIGHT R&D Team, Kerala Section, and Immediate Past Chair, IEEE RAS SBCCEA. The session focused on building a line-following robot.The session was attended by 79 participants.


IEEE CS SBCEAalong with IEEE SB CEA conducted “ Know Your Society .” The purpose of the event was to provide participants with fundamental knowledge about computer society and pave the way for their continuous learning and growth in this field.


IEEE Computer Society SBC College of Engineering Adoor conducted an exclusive opportunity for all IEEE members “CORE2CODE”.


On February 16, 2024, IEEE College of Engineering Adoor Student Branch SIGHT group conducted a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training program at the College Auditorium ,College Of Engineering Adoor. IEEE SB CEA organized this event in collaboration with Indian College of Cardiology Kerala Chapter, Basic Responders, LifeLine Heart Institute.The program's primary objective was to equip students with the necessary CPR skills. Mr. Susheel Suresh and Mr. Mahesh KP, BLS Trainers, conducted the session, imparting valuable information on CPR and the importance of this training.196 participants attended the program and received widespread positive remarks from all attendees.

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club : Quiz 12

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted the quiz for the month of December on 27 December 2023 at 7.30 PM via gforms.


Byte-It 2.0, the second part of our C programming workshop, marked a significant milestone in the journey of aspiring programmers seeking to enhance their skills. Led by the knowledgeable and experienced Mr. Althaf A, the session allowed participants to delve deeper into the intricate aspects of C programming. Building on the foundation laid in the first part of the workshop, Byte-It 2.0 catered to a group of enthusiastic learners who possessed the prerequisite knowledge, resulting in a more engaging and insightful experience.

Spectrum Talk- Dec

The tech talk series conducted by IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor, ‘Spectrum Talk’ for the month of December was conducted on 7th December 2023 at 4.30 pm.

Train Up 7.0

IEEE CS SBC CEA along with IEEE SB CEA conducted a skill development session on the topic “Basics of Python”. The purpose of the event was to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language and to pave the way for their continuous learning and growth in this field.

The IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted a workshop on LED BULB ASSEMBLING AND REPAIRING. The aim of this workshop was to provide basic knowledge about an LED BULB among the participants(First years) and make them aware of its components and how they are assembled together to form an LED BULB.

The Quiz Club of IEEE SB CEA conducted the ninth quiz on 23rd September 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms on the topic ‘Biotechnology’. The students actively participated in the quiz and the winners were chosen. The first prize went to Mr. Vivekaanand P, fourth year CSBS student, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu. The second and third prizes went to Ms. Pavithra C, third year BME student, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu and Ms. Aleena Ranju, fourth year ECE student, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kadayirippu respectively

Spectrum Talk

The tech talk series of IEEE SB CEA, ‘Spectrum Talk’ for the month of September was conducted on 21st September 2023 at Seminar Hall. The event was commenced by Ms. Irene Alsa George, Chair, IEEE SB CEA. The first presentation was given by Ms. Albina Biju, second-year CSE student on the topic ‘Blue Brain’. Followed by Mr. Akash Krishna, second-year ECE student gave his presentation on the topic ‘Nanosatellite’.

IEEE College Of Engineering Adoor SB SIGHT convened the inaugural workshop for the project SWARAM (Safe Water and Resource Access For Manakkayam ) on 16th September 2023. The primary objective of the meeting was to deliberate on various aspects pertaining to the project’s implementation. The workshop started with a timeline presentation by the speaker Mr. Abhinav Rajeev (Junior Research Fellow, IIT Palakkad & Secretary, IEEE Kerala Section SIGHT). Valuable suggestions and edits were provided by the speaker and his inputs contributed significantly to refining the project’s approach. He also explained about the role of teams and committees and informed about risk assessment and precautions to take during the implementation of the project.

Lucent 7.0

IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor conducted Lucent 7.0 for all first-year students as a part of the IEEE induction program. Ms. Irene Alsa George, Chair, IEEE SB CEA handled the session in which she talked about IEEE SB CEA and IEEE as a whole, its aspects and objectives. She also explained the benefits of being an IEEE volunteer and encouraged the students to kick-start their wonderful IEEE journey.

Wired For The Future

IEEE IAS/IES Jt. SBC College of Engineering Adoor proudly presents "Wired for the Future: Smart Grid PowerPoint Showdown" A PowerPoint making competition on the topic 💫 Future of Smart Grid 💫 🗓️Deadline : 20th July 2023


ENCODE+ was an editing contest organized by WiE AG SB CEA. The theme for the competition was The Resilience Chronicles:Stories of women who inspire you.


AN IDEA PITCHING was an event organized by IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023 under the name “INGINEERO”. It was an online entry collection program which was started on 11th July,2023 and lasted till 24th July,2023. This event was put in order to make our advanced through simple and sustainable ideas from the field of robotics.


IEEE CS SBC CEA organized VALOR - a portfolio web design challenge for all students of the SB and for IEEE volunteers across the state as a part of TRAIN UP 4.O . This competition focused on giving an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and abilities on portfolio web development.


IEEE CS SBC CEA along with IEEE SB CEA conducted the third lecture session on portfolio web development as a part of Train Up 4.O. The session was conducted in google meet platform and was handled by Mr Mr Faheem P A (Webmaster IEEE SB CEA , Web Team IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter )


IEEE CS SBC CEA along with IEEE SB CEA conducted the second lecture session on portfolio web development as a part of Train Up 4.O. The session was conducted in google meet platform and was handled by Mr Mr Faheem P A (Webmaster IEEE SB CEA , Web Team IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter )


IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor and IEEE IAS/IES JT SBC CEA along with IEDC CE Adoor organised InnovateX: Showcasing the Power of Engineering Innovation . The event was a project exhibition presenting the final year projects, offering an opportunity for all students to explore and understand the projects ,their functionality, and engage in a hands-on and interactive experience.


IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a series of sessions on portfolio web development , an event that is aimed to familiarize students with portfolio web development . The first session of the event was conducted at the Computer lab CEA and was handled by Mr Faheem P A (Webmaster IEEE SB CEA , Web Team IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter )


ENCODE was conducted as part of the Train Up 3.0. It was a collaborative event by WiE AG SB CEA and IEEE SB CEA. The session was lead by Mr. Kevin P( S8 ECE)


The tech talk series conducted by IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor, ‘Spectrum Talk’ for the month of May was conducted on 21st June 2023 at 7:30 pm via MGoogle Meet.


IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a skill development session ‘Introduction to Touch Typing’ , an event that is aimed to improve the typing speed accuracy of the participants . The session was conducted at the DSP lab CEA and was handled by Mr Jerrin Mathew George (Chair , IEEE PES SBC CEA).

IEEE SB CEA and IEEE PES SBC CEA in collaboration with IEEE PES Kerala Chapter organized a 'Plant a sapling drive' and an 'Oath taking ceremony' as a part of Environment week celebration initiative on the 9th of June, 2023.


IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor launched its new logo on 8th June 2023 at 7:00 PM via social media platforms.

EXECOM Meet June

IEEE SB CEA conducted the execom meet for the month of June on 6th June 2023 at room no: 308, College of Engineering Adoor.

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club organised a volunteer call to select volunteers to take part in the core team of IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club.

A Kudumbashree Empowerment Initiative


IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted the quiz for the month of May on 29th May 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms


CAPTURES was a photography competition organized by WiE AG SB CEA. The theme for the competition was “Women around you”.


IEEE R10 PES Student Chapter Committee presents SPARK: A series of events for IEEE PES members of Region 10, under which a Webinar On Photovoltaic Solutions Helping The Global Energy Transition has conducted on 26th May 2023 in Association with IEEE PES-IAS-PELS Hyderabad Joint Chapter, IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter,IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter. And also in collaboration with IEEE PES SBC MVSR, IEEE PES SBC CEA, IEEE PES SBC DSCE, IEEE PES SBC ADGITM

Spectrum Talk – May

The tech talk series conducted by IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor ‘Spectrum Talk’ for the month of May was conducted on 20th May 2023 at 7:30 pm vi Google Meet


INNOVATEX was an innovation competition conducted as a part of TRAILBLAZEX, a competition series. It was organised by WiE AGs of Govt. Engineering college Kozhikode, College of Engineering Adoor, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College and Govt. Engineering College Wayanad.

IEEE IAS/IES Jt. SBC CEA , IEEE IAS SBC CEK , IEEE IES SBC SNIT jointly organized a membership development session “UNITE” as part of la guerre , the cluster war competition by IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala. The aim of the event was to enhance knowledge about industrial applications society and industrial electronics society among students.


A Calligraphy competition conducted as a part of TRAILBLAZEX, a competition series. It was organised by WiE AGs of Govt. Engineering college Kozhikode, College of Engineering Adoor, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College and Govt. Engineering College Wayanad.


LOGOFLEX a logo making Competition conducted as a part of TRAILBLAZEX, a competition series. It was organised by WiE AGs of Govt. Engineering college Kozhikode, College of Engineering Adoor, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College and Govt. Engineering College Wayanad.

IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a webinar session ‘Introduction to Logo Designing’ , an event that is aimed to provide participants with fundamental knowledge and insights into the world of logo designing as a part of UNVEIL # 1.0 . The session was conducted through Google Meet platform and was handled by Mr Sanjay PV (Graphic Designer, Public Outreach and Website Committee, IEEE PES Student Chapters Committee(SCC) 2023 Global Team ).

Hello IEEE

‘Hello IEEE’ was an outreach session for school students. It was conducted on 8th May 2023 at Mar Baselios Ocean Star Public School, Kottarakkara.


BLOOM was an interactive session based on Drones mainly focusing on high school students. It was conducted in Mar Baselios Ocean Star Public School on 8th May. The event was conducted to provide the participants a basic knowledge about the working of Drones and its applications therefore making them aware of some engineering marvels and inculcating a will to join engineering therefore understanding its relevance. The speaker of the event was Mr. Flemin K Sony, Chair IEEE RAS SBC CEA. Mr. Flemin is an expert in flying drones as well as in building them. He has in-depth knowledge about drones, hence he was the perfect speaker for the event.


Futura 5.0 is a flagship event of IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor. This time the event was conducted in a hands-on manner. It was a session on Wifi Controlled Cars exclusively for school students. The session was conducted on 8th May 2023 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM at Mar Baselios Ocean Star Public School,Kottarakkara.

IEEE IAS/IES Jt. SBC CEA , IEEE IAS SBC CEK , IEEE IES SBC SNIT jointly organized an EV based online quiz competition as part of la guerre , the cluster war competition by IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala. The basic objective of the event was to give an opportunity to showcase their intelligence and to compete with other EV enthusiasts.


IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor in collaboration with IEEE Robotics and Automation Society SBC CEA and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (IEDC) CEA organized a robotic treasure hunt competition, Electro Hunt.


As the part of Cultural fest, SATTVA'23 of College Of Engineering, Adoor, IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor conducted Avahan on 27th April,2023.


On the occasion of SATTVA’23 IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor organised a poster making challenge ‘Graphic Impact’ on the topic ‘The future of transportation: Autonomous cars, Drones and Hyperloop


IEEE IAS/IES JT SBC CEA cooducted a sessioo oo ‘substatoo familiarizatoo’ and techoical feld visit to the 11 kv electric substatoo located at college of eogioeeriog Adoor. The sessioo was haodled by Prof. Jaio George (Assistaot Professor, Departmeot of Electrical aod Electrooics eogioeeriog ).

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted the quiz for the month of April on 25th April 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms.

EXECOM Meet April

IEEE SB CEA conducted its execom meet for the month of April on 24th April 2023, at Room No: 407, College of Engineering Adoor.

On 24th April 2023, IEEE SB CEA with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted an inauguration event of PES day 2023. It was conducted as part of the IEEE Execome meeting of the month April.

IEEE College of Engineering Adoor SB SIGHT conducted the 1st site visit on 21st April at Edakkidom, Kerala, India. The journey started around 9:30 am and the entire team reached the location by 10:00 am. IEEE, College of Engineering Adoor, SB SIGHT conducted the 2 nd site visit on 23 rd April at Naranamoozhy, Kerala, India. The journey started around 8:30 am and the entire team reached the above location by 10:00 am. The expedition involved visiting two nearby Panchayats.

BASIX was an informative session on technical know-how on the topic "Basics of Raspberry Pi". The target of the event was to provide the participants a basic knowledge about the working of Raspberry Pi and its applications therefore making them familiar with their field and helping them to understand its relevance. The speaker of the event was Mr. Issac Thomas Varghese, Immediate Past Chair of IEEE CS SBC CEA.

On the 19th April 2023, IEEE SB CEA with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted an Information Session about PES Day, 2023 at College of Engineering, Adoor. The theme of the 6th IEEE PES Day was "Powering a Climate Safer Future". The session was taken by Mr. Kevin P, previous year IEEE PES chairman. The session was successfully conducted with the active participation of PES volunteers, IEEE volunteers and also non IEEE students.


IEEE IAS/IES JT SBC CEA conducted a debate competition on the topic “All vehicles must be electric”. The competition was conducted at the IEEE room CEA. A total of 2 teams including 4 members each participated in the competition.


The tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, Spectrum Talk for the month of April was conducted on 17th April 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.


In light of IEEE PES Day 2023, IEEE SB CEA in association with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted the 5th edition of the exclusive event APTORA - a video challenging competition conducted for all IEEE students across India


INTRODUCTION TO ARDUINO was an offline event organized by IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023.It was conducted on 31st March 2023 . The event was lead by Mr. Kevin Pradeep, Chair, IEEE PES SBC CEA 2022-23. This event was formulated as the part of Arduino Day

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted the quiz for the month of March on 31st March 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms.


IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a lecturette session ‘Introduction to GitHub’ , an event that is designed to help students to understand and use the features of GitHub.The event was conducted at the IEEE room CEA and was handled by Mr.Manu Suresh (S8 CSE).


Lady Ada was an event conducted by Women in Engineering, Affinity Group, Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor. It was held on March 28th and 29th,2023 at CEA. It was a two-day workshop led by Mr.Sujith Kumar A(S8,CSE).

TRA!N UP 2.0

IEEE SB CEA organized “TRA!N UP 2.0”, a skill development series on 26th March 2023. The session was about ‘Content Writing’.


IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a debate competition on the topic “Can AI Replace Engineers”. The competition was conducted at the IEEE room CEA . A total of 2 teams including 4 members each participated in the competition

Spectrum Talk March

The tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, Spectrum Talk for the month of March was conducted on 22nd March 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.


FEMCAPTION was a caption writing competition conducted as part of the Wiebiela: Wie week celebration 2023. It was a collaboration between the IEEE Wie AG’s of College of Engineering Adoor, Govt. Engineering College Wayanad, Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode and College of Engineering Karunagappally.


ARBITRIUM 6.0 was the very first offline event organized by IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023 . It was conducted on 17th March 2023 and 18th March in college auditorium . The event was lead by Er. Anish M S , Public Relations Coordinator , IEEE Germany Chapter, Chair, IEEE RAS SBC CEA 2016-17. This event was formulated in order to explore the world to Node MCU.

EXECOM Meet March

IEEE SB CEA conducted its execom meet for the month of March on 17th March 2023, at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.


Tehreek was an online event conducted as part of the Wiebiela: Wie week celebration 2023. It was a collaboration between the IEEE Wie AG’s of College of Engineering Adoor, Govt. Engineering College Wayanad, Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode and College of Engineering Karunagappally.

Power Talks

A JAM (Just A Minute) speech competition was held by IEEE PES SBC CEA on the 14th of March 2023 at the IEEE Room of College of Engineering Adoor. It was conducted to enhance the communicating skills of the participants and develop their research skills. The judges of the event were Mrs Anjali S and Mrs Reeja Thankachan, Assistant Professors of Electrical and Electronics Department, College of Engineering Adoor.


MINERVA was the event conducted by the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group, Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor. It was held on March 8, 2023, via Google meet. The speaker for the event was Dr. Anupama Thakur, Postdoctoral Researcher, at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA.

Tech Pulse

To overview the events carried out in the months of November-December, IEEE SB CEA released its official newsletter, Tech Pulse for the month of February.

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club: Quiz 2

The Quiz Club of IEEE SB CEA conducted its quiz for the month of February on 25th February 2023 at 7:30pm via Google Forms.

EXECOM Meet February – 2

IEEE SB CEA conducted an online execom meet on 17 February 2023 via Google Meet for the discussion regarding the budget and planning of the IEEE Room.

TRA!N UP 1.0

TRA!N UP is a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA. To begin the series the student branch brought up a talk session on ‘Basics Of Documentation’.

EXECOM Meet February -1

IEEE SB CEA organized its execom meet for the month of february on 8th February 2023 at the College Auditorium, CE Adoor. All the members of our student branch were invited for the meeting.


As a token of appreciation for the exemplary work done by the past execom members IEEE SB College of Engineering Adoor conducted Farewell 2022 on 8th February 2023 at College of Engineering Adoor. The volunteers shared their valuable experiences and inspired others.


The tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, Spectrum Talk for the month of February was conducted on 7th February 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.


IAS/IES Jt SBC of IEEE SB CEA conducted a membership development session 'Know your society ', for all students in the SB . The session was conducted at college auditorium on 4.30pm. The session was handled by Mr.Sajin Sachidanandan (founding chair IAS/IES Jt SBC of IEEE SB CEA, founder U-DNA educational foundation, Director ARMZ group)


KNOW YOUR SOCIETY was the first event organized by the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group, Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023. It was conducted on 1 February 2023 via online mode. The speaker for the session was Prof. Deepa A.K, Associate Professor, SCTEC Trivandrum, Vice Chair, WiE AG, IEEE Kerala Section. The session’s objective was to give 1st years an Introduction to Society.

IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted its very first quiz of the year 2023 on 30th January 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms

Know Your Society

IEEE, College Of Engineering Adoor ,SB SIGHT organized an event, named Know your society on 29th January 2023 via online mode. Mr. Albin Paul, Chair IEEE PES YP 2023-24, Former chair of IEEE SIGHT VJCET SB, was the speaker of the session. The main purpose of the session was to give an introduction about IEEE SIGHT to all the 1st year volunteers.


As a part of membership development, IEEE SB CEA organized a Membership Renewal Drive from 26th January 2023 to 28th February 2023. The aim of the program was to increase the membership count of our student branch and increase the number of both new members and the retention rate equally.

Know Your Society

An introductory and awareness session - 'Know Your Society', about IEEE PES, was held by IEEE PES SBC CEA on the 22nd January 2023. It was conducted in the form of a panel discussion session and it was mainly focused on the first year students.The speaker of the event was Mr. Saran K.S. He is the Chair of Awards & Recognitions Subcommittee, IEEE PES SCC. He is currently a Master's student in Electromobility-FAU, Germany. He was also the Former Chair of IEEE PES SBC CEA (2017-2018).

Spectrum Talk

The much awaited tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, ‘Spectrum Talk’ was conductedon 20 January 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.


KNOW YOUR SOCIETY was the very first event organized by IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023 under the name “DEMYSTIFYING ROBOTICS”. It was conducted on 15th January 2023 via online mode. The speaker for the session was Mr. Jose Ben, Student Representative, IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter, Social Media Ambassador, IROS22 Project KMRL. This event was put in order to provide 1st years an Introduction to Society.


Tech Pulse is the official newsletter of IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor which was launched on 14th January 2023.


IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a membership development webinar session 'Know your society ', for all students in the SB . The session was conducted through Google meet platform at 7 pm. The session was handled by Mr. Akash Nair (Richard E Merwin Scholar Spring 2020 , Former Chairperson IEEE SB CEA, 2020-2021

EXECOM Meet January

IEEE SB CEA conducted its first execom meet on 9th January 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor. The branch counselor, chairs, vice-chairs and secretaries, of the respective societies attended the meeting.

AGM 2023

IEEE SB CEA organised the Annual General Body Meeting 2023 to appoint the newly elected members.


The inauguration of IEEE CEA SB SIGHT, an event organised by IEEE SB CEA wasconducted on 13 December 2022 in SDPK Hall in College of Engineering Adoor. The Speakers of the session was Prof. Muhammed Kasim S, Vice-Chair of Kerala section and Prof. Sunitha Beevi K, Chair of Professional Activities. The session focused on the inauguration of IEEE CEA SB SIGHT as well as the introduction of our first project - To provide solar-powered sanitary napkin dispenser for women of economically backward classes.