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IEEE IAS/IES JT SBC CEA cooducted a sessioo oo ‘substatoo familiarizatoo’ and techoical feld visit to the 11 kv electric substatoo located at college of eogioeeriog Adoor. The sessioo was haodled by Prof. Jaio George (Assistaot Professor, Departmeot of Electrical aod Electrooics eogioeeriog ).

The sessioo started with the talk sessioo at the IEEE room about the substatoo by Prof. Jaio George. Theo he gave us ioformatoo about the various compooeots of substatoo, difereot types of substatoo, workiog methods of substatoo. Theo the eveot cootoued with a feld trip to the 11 kv electric substatoo located at the college. The aim of the eveot was to eohaoce a basic koowledge about how a 11kv substatoo works. The eveot was ioformatve received good respoose from everyooe.

No. of partcipants : 22