You are currently viewing UNEVIL#2.0: TOUCH TYPING

Date: 12th June 2023

Time: 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Venue: DSP Lab CEA
Speaker : Mr Jerrin Mathew George

IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a skill development session ‘Introduction to
Touch Typing’ , an event that is aimed to improve the typing speed accuracy
of the participants . The session was conducted at the DSP lab CEA and was
handled by Mr Jerrin Mathew George (Chair , IEEE PES SBC CEA).

The event focused on improving the typing speed and accuracy of the
participants . The speaker of the session started the session by introducing
the touch typing techniques to the participants. Hands-on experience was
provided to all the participants to practice the touch typing skills. Fun typing
games were organized to make the learning process enjoyable and
motivating. The aim of this event was to improve the typing skills of the
participants by overcoming the common typing errors.

The event successfully achieved its goal of promoting and enhancing participants ‘typing skills’ . Through hands-on experience and interactive activities the participants gained a deeper understanding of the touch typing techniques, improved their typing speed and developed greater accuracy. The session was very informative and received a lot of positive responses from the students