You are currently viewing ARBITRIUM 6.0

In the 1st day, the session leaped with a welcome speech by Mr. Flemin K Sony, Chair IEEE RAS SBC CEA. followed by a brief introduction by Er. Anish M S, where he addressed the students, introduced some basic elements , gave insights of node MCU, its application, done some programming and in the 2nd day the participants were asked to create a mini robotic car based the knowledge they gathered and with the help of the mentor.The speaker pointed out his achievements while being a part of IEEE RAS. The speaker also engaged in a Q&A session with participants and also put forward some racing games.Overall, the ARBITRIUM 6.0 was an informative and exciting session for participants to learn about nodes and make use of the knowledge with on hand experience . The session ended with vote of thanks by Mr.Mohammed Saifullah, Vice Chair, IEEE RAS SBC CEA and a token of appreciation was given to the speaker.

Date        : 17th March, 2023 & 18th March, 2023
Time       : 17th March :- 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
                : 18th March :- 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Venue     : College auditorium, College of Engineering Adoor
Speaker : Er. Anish M S

No of Participants : 25