You are currently viewing SPECTRUM TALK FEB

Date: 07 February 2023
Time: 4:30 pm
Venue: Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor
Speakers: 1. Mr. Saran Rajeev
2. Ms. Manjima M

Spectrum Talk, the technical talk session of IEEE SB CEA was conducted on 7th
February 2023, at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor. The event began with
the Code of Ethics by Ms. Gopika Nair J, Secretary, IEEE SB CEA. Mr. Saran Rajeev,
first year EEE student kick started the session with his presentation on the topic
‘Applications of 5G Technology: How can it Revolutionize the Industry?’. Ms. Manjima
M, first year CSE student, followed the presentation with hers. She spoke about the
topic ‘Causes of Cybercrime and Preventive Measures’.The session was an interesting
one and we received positive feedback from the participants.

No of Participants: 38