Date: 13 December 2022
Time: 10.00 am IST
Platform: SDPK Hall, CEA
Chief Guest: Prof. Muhammed Kasim S
Guest of Honour: Prof. Sunitha Beev
The inauguration of IEEE CEA SB SIGHT, an event organised by IEEE SB CEA was conducted on 13 December 2022 in SDPK Hall in College of Engineering Adoor. The Speakers of the session was Prof. Muhammed Kasim S,Vice-Chair of Kerala section and Prof. Sunitha Beevi K, Chair of Professional Activities.The session focused on the inauguration of IEEE CEA SB SIGHT as well as the introduction of our first project – To provide solar-powered sanitary napkin dispenser for women of economically backward classes.
The event began with recitation of IEEE Code of Ethics by Ms. Drishya Thomas, IEEE CEA SB SIGHT Secretary followed by Welcome speech by Dr. Jayachandran E. S, IEEE SB CEA Branch Counsellor. Then the Presidential Address was given by Dr. Sunil Kumar K, Principal, College of Engineering Adoor and then Address and IEEE CEA SB SIGHT introducton was provided by Mr. Jishnu Raj, Chair IEEE CEA SB SIGHT. As a part of inauguration the Inaugural Address was given by Chief Guest, Prof. Muhammed Kasim S,Vice Chair, IEEE Kerala Section followed by Keynote Address by Guest of Honour Prof. Sunitha Beevi K, Chair, IEEE Professional Activities. During the inauguration, both the speakers gave an elaborated session on the importance of SIGHT. They pointed out how today’s scenario is different from past years and shared some of their difficulties during the earlier times and about the history of SIGHT. The session was an interactive one.
Dr. John George, Head of Dept. Electrical and Electronics Dept., CEA offered his felicitations at the end of the session. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Sujith Kumar A,Chair IEEE SB CEA.