EXECOM Meet June

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Date: 6 June 2023
Time: 4:30 – 6:30 PM
Venue: Room No: 308, College of Engineering Adoor

IEEE SB CEA conducted the execom meet for the month of June on 6th June 2023 at
room no: 308, College of Engineering Adoor.


The execom meet of IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor for the month
of June was conducted on 6 June 2023 at Room No: 308, CEA. The meeting started
with the call to order by Ms. Irene Alsa George, Chair, IEEE SB CEA. It was followed by
code of ethics and minutes of the previous execom meet by Ms. Gopika Nair J,
Secretary, IEEE SB CEA. The meet further met with the presentations of all the
societies and the main SB. The secretaries of the respective societies delivered the
presentation. IEEE SB CEA conducted Environmental Day Celebrations for the year
2023. We celebrated it by taking an Environmental Day Oath. The main focus of the
celebration was to reduce the use of plastic. After that, Dr. Jayachandran E S, Branch
Counsellor, IEEE SB CEA gave his suggestions and opinions regarding the events. He
told us the harmful effects of plastic and to reduce its use. It was followed by the
address of Dr. John George, Advisor, IEEE PES SBC CEA, IEEE IAS/IES Jt SBC CEA,
gave his inputs and suggestions. The meeting was concluded with the adjournment by
Ms. Irene Alsa George, Chair, IEEE SB CEA.

Number of Participants : 41