TRA!N UP 2.0
TRA!N UP 2.0 is a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA. To begin the series the student branch brought up a talk session on ‘Documentation &VTools’
TRA!N UP 2.0 is a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA. To begin the series the student branch brought up a talk session on ‘Documentation &VTools’
IEEE SB College of Engineering Adoor successfully conducted, ROUTECRAFT an IEEE R10 Robotics Workshop, organized jointly by the IEEE Kerala Section and IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter. The workshop was conducted on 6th April 2024 at Seminar Hall of College Of Engineering ,Adoor. The speaker was Mr. Flemin K Sony, UAV Lead, SIGHT R&D Team, Kerala Section, and Immediate Past Chair, IEEE RAS SBCCEA. The session focused on building a line-following robot.The session was attended by 79 participants.
IEEE CS SBCEAalong with IEEE SB CEA conducted “ Know Your Society .” The purpose of the event was to provide participants with fundamental knowledge about computer society and pave the way for their continuous learning and growth in this field.
IEEE Computer Society SBC College of Engineering Adoor conducted an exclusive opportunity for all IEEE members “CORE2CODE”.
On February 16, 2024, IEEE College of Engineering Adoor Student Branch SIGHT group conducted a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training program at the College Auditorium ,College Of Engineering Adoor. IEEE SB CEA organized this event in collaboration with Indian College of Cardiology Kerala Chapter, Basic Responders, LifeLine Heart Institute.The program's primary objective was to equip students with the necessary CPR skills. Mr. Susheel Suresh and Mr. Mahesh KP, BLS Trainers, conducted the session, imparting valuable information on CPR and the importance of this training.196 participants attended the program and received widespread positive remarks from all attendees.
IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted the quiz for the month of December on 27 December 2023 at 7.30 PM via gforms.
Byte-It 2.0, the second part of our C programming workshop, marked a significant milestone in the journey of aspiring programmers seeking to enhance their skills. Led by the knowledgeable and experienced Mr. Althaf A, the session allowed participants to delve deeper into the intricate aspects of C programming. Building on the foundation laid in the first part of the workshop, Byte-It 2.0 catered to a group of enthusiastic learners who possessed the prerequisite knowledge, resulting in a more engaging and insightful experience.
The tech talk series conducted by IEEE Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor, ‘Spectrum Talk’ for the month of December was conducted on 7th December 2023 at 4.30 pm.
IEEE CS SBC CEA along with IEEE SB CEA conducted a skill development session on the topic “Basics of Python”. The purpose of the event was to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language and to pave the way for their continuous learning and growth in this field.
The IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted a workshop on LED BULB ASSEMBLING AND REPAIRING. The aim of this workshop was to provide basic knowledge about an LED BULB among the participants(First years) and make them aware of its components and how they are assembled together to form an LED BULB.