IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club – Quiz 9

The Quiz Club of IEEE SB CEA conducted the ninth quiz on 23rd September 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms on the topic ‘Biotechnology’. The students actively participated in the quiz and the winners were chosen. The first prize went to Mr. Vivekaanand P, fourth year CSBS student, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu. The second and third prizes went to Ms. Pavithra C, third year BME student, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu and Ms. Aleena Ranju, fourth year ECE student, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kadayirippu respectively

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Spectrum Talk

The tech talk series of IEEE SB CEA, ‘Spectrum Talk’ for the month of September was conducted on 21st September 2023 at Seminar Hall. The event was commenced by Ms. Irene Alsa George, Chair, IEEE SB CEA. The first presentation was given by Ms. Albina Biju, second-year CSE student on the topic ‘Blue Brain’. Followed by Mr. Akash Krishna, second-year ECE student gave his presentation on the topic ‘Nanosatellite’.

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Mastering Initiatives : Insights for Project SWARAM

IEEE College Of Engineering Adoor SB SIGHT convened the inaugural workshop for the project SWARAM (Safe Water and Resource Access For Manakkayam ) on 16th September 2023. The primary objective of the meeting was to deliberate on various aspects pertaining to the project’s implementation. The workshop started with a timeline presentation by the speaker Mr. Abhinav Rajeev (Junior Research Fellow, IIT Palakkad & Secretary, IEEE Kerala Section SIGHT). Valuable suggestions and edits were provided by the speaker and his inputs contributed significantly to refining the project’s approach. He also explained about the role of teams and committees and informed about risk assessment and precautions to take during the implementation of the project.

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Lucent 7.0

IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor conducted Lucent 7.0 for all first-year students as a part of the IEEE induction program. Ms. Irene Alsa George, Chair, IEEE SB CEA handled the session in which she talked about IEEE SB CEA and IEEE as a whole, its aspects and objectives. She also explained the benefits of being an IEEE volunteer and encouraged the students to kick-start their wonderful IEEE journey.

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Wired For The Future

IEEE IAS/IES Jt. SBC College of Engineering Adoor proudly presents "Wired for the Future: Smart Grid PowerPoint Showdown" A PowerPoint making competition on the topic 💫 Future of Smart Grid 💫 🗓️Deadline : 20th July 2023

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ENCODE+ was an editing contest organized by WiE AG SB CEA. The theme for the competition was The Resilience Chronicles:Stories of women who inspire you.

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AN IDEA PITCHING was an event organized by IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023 under the name “INGINEERO”. It was an online entry collection program which was started on 11th July,2023 and lasted till 24th July,2023. This event was put in order to make our advanced through simple and sustainable ideas from the field of robotics.

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IEEE CS SBC CEA organized VALOR - a portfolio web design challenge for all students of the SB and for IEEE volunteers across the state as a part of TRAIN UP 4.O . This competition focused on giving an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and abilities on portfolio web development.

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IEEE CS SBC CEA along with IEEE SB CEA conducted the third lecture session on portfolio web development as a part of Train Up 4.O. The session was conducted in google meet platform and was handled by Mr Mr Faheem P A (Webmaster IEEE SB CEA , Web Team IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter )

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