Date: 6th April 2024
Time:10:00 AM- 04:30 PM
Venue: Seminar Hall
Speaker: Mr. Flemin K Sony
IEEE SB College of Engineering Adoor successfully conducted, ROUTECRAFT
an IEEE R10 Robotics Workshop, organized jointly by the IEEE Kerala Section
and IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter. The workshop was conducted on 6th April 2024 at
Seminar Hall of College Of Engineering ,Adoor. The speaker was Mr. Flemin K
Sony, UAV Lead, SIGHT R&D Team, Kerala Section, and Immediate Past Chair,
IEEE RAS SBCCEA. The session focused on building a line-following robot.The
session was attended by 79 participants.
Brief Description
Mr. Flemin began the session with self-introductions from everyone and an
engaging discussion on the concept of robots. He provided his definition and
elaborated on various robot types, including industrial and medical robots. He
then delved into the specifics of line-following robots. He explained the robot’s
components, including the BO motor, L298N driver, jumper wires, and IR sensor.
A circuit diagram for the line following the robot was explained, followed by a
discussion of the robot’s applications and real-world use cases. Throughout the
session, Mr. Flemin addressed questions from the audience, clarifying doubts
during the talk session. The session concluded around 11:30 AM with a
discussion on the advantages and limitations of line-following robots, highlighting
their ability to perform repetitive tasks but acknowledging their limitations in
handling complex ones. The talk session was followed by an ice-breaking
session. It allowed participants to interact and socialize after the refreshment
The Lunch break started at 1:00 pm, after which a photo session captured a
group memento of the workshop participants and volunteers. The core of the
workshop involved building line-following robots. Participants gained practical
experience under Mr. Flemin’s guidance. Following the hands-on session,
participants had the opportunity to present their robot designs and ideas in an
idea-pitching session.
The workshop culminated in a valedictory function, marking the official closing of
the event. Ms. Aswathy Gopi, Chair, IEEE SB CEA, extended a warm welcome
to all attendees. Ms. Amina Nagmi, HSR Travancore Hub, presented a detailed
overview of the workshop’s activities and accomplishments. Dr. John George,
VSAC, Travancore Hub, IEEE Kerala Section, delivered the presidential address,
offering valuable insights and encouragement. Dr. Sunil Kumar K, Principal,
College of Engineering, Adoor, graced the occasion with his presence and
shared his address. Following the speeches, a ceremony took place to recognize
the contributions of key individuals. The principal, Dr. Sunil Kumar K, presented
mementos to Mr. Flemin and Dr. John in appreciation of their expertise and
leadership throughout the workshop. Finally, Mr. Kalidas S, Chair, IEEE RAS
SBC CEA, delivered a heartfelt vote of thanks to all involved in making the
workshop a success.
Overall, the ROUTECRAFT workshop successfully provided participants with a
comprehensive understanding of line-following robots and valuable hands-on
experience in building them. The insightful speeches, heartfelt appreciation, and
the tangible robots built by participants stood as testaments to the workshop’s
success. As attendees departed, they carried not just newfound knowledge of
line-following robots but also the spark of inspiration to ignite their journey in
robotics. The collaborative spirit ignited during ROUTECRAFT promises to ripple
outwards, fostering a wave of innovation that will propel the future of robotics.
Number of Participants: 79