TRA!N UP 2.0
Date: 16 February 2023
Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: Google Meet
Speaker: Ms. Irene Alsa George
TRA!N UP 2.0 is a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA. To begin the series
the student branch brought up a talk session on ‘Documentation &VTools’.
Brief Description
The first session of TRA!N UP 2.0, a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA wasconducted on 12th of April 2024 at 7:00 pm via Google Meet. Ms. Irene Alsa George,
Immediate Past Chair, IEEE SB CEA was the speaker of the event.
She talked about the basics of the documentation process. She defined the traits of a good report and how to make one. She then talked about content writing for events, reports and conferences. She taught us more about IEEE documentation, its structure and how to prepare a good report. In the session she also talked about V-Tools and how to use it .A Q&A session was conducted at the end in which participants participated actively. Positive feedback was received
from everyone.
Number of Participants: 50