IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session to introduce 3ds max software to create 3D models.
IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session to introduce 3ds max software to create 3D models.
IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a quiz competition as a part of National Technology Day.
As part of PES Day 2022 Celebrations, IEEE PES SBC CEA, collaborating with IEEE SB CEA, held a session on IEEE Membership Development. The session's speaker was Mr. Mohammed Rashid K K, Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE PES Kerala Chapter Student Leadership Team 2021. This year, IEEE SB CEA has seen immense growth in the number of new volunteers and it is important that they know the benefits of being an active member of IEEE and explore all the opportunities and resources available.
IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted the first section of interview preparation series under the flagship program 'Void loop' in collaboration with IEEE CS SBC MITS .The session was streamed and it was handled by Anandhakrishnan GM.
IEEE SB CEA in association with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted 'Campus Energy', a 2 day workshop on Photovoltaic Generation System in view of IEEE PES Day 2022. As a part of the workshop a familiarization cum technical field visit was conducted on 9th and 10th of May. The speaker of the session was Dr. John George, [Professor and HOD, EEE Department, CEA; Vice Chair, IEEE Professional Activities, IEEE Kerala Section; Chapter Advisor, IEEE PES SBC CEA].
In light of IEEE PES Day 2022, IEEE SB CEA in association with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted the 4th edition of the exclusive event APTORA - a video challenging competition conducted for all IEEE students across India. The basic objective of this event was to enlighten students on the topic of Green energy Solutions and to provide a platform where they can share their views and thoughts on the topic, in an audio-visual manner and to inculcate the habit of learning through sharing.
In view of the IEEE PES Day celebrations, IEEE Women In Engineering Affinity Group and IEEE PES WIP of IEEE SB CEA conducted a social media content creation competition - WiE Share. The intention behind the contest was to provide a platform for the participants to share their thoughts and ideas on the topic of women building a sustainable future.
IEEE SB CEA had its much awaited official website launch for our SB. The event was held at Seminar Hall, CEA. The event had the gracious presence of our Hon’ble Principal Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Jayachandran E.
On the 27th of April 2022, IEEE SB CEA with IEEE PES SBC CEA celebrated IEEE PES Day, 2022 at College of Engineering, Adoor. The theme of the 5th IEEE PES Day was "Powering a Sustainable Future. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Sunil Kumar, Principal of College of Engineering, Adoor. The event was celebrated with a lot of spirit and enthusiasm by fellow PES volunteers and IEEE members.
As a part of International Women’s Day 2022, Women in Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE SB CEA organized a webinar on the topic “Role of Women in Science Technology & Innovation: Connect. Inspire. Engage ”. The session was handled by Dr. Anupama Thakur (Postdoctoral Researcher, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA, Early Career Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India)