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IEEE SB CEA in association with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted ‘Campus Energy’, a 2 day
workshop on Photovoltaic Generation System in view of IEEE PES Day 2022.
As a part of the workshop a familiarization cum technical field visit was conducted on 9th and 10th of May. The speaker of the session was Dr. John George, [Professor and HOD, EEE Department, CEA; Vice Chair, IEEE Professional Activities, IEEE Kerala Section; Chapter Advisor, IEEE PES SBC CEA].

The target behind the event was to acquaint the participants about the technical and theoretical aspect of using solar energy and educate them on the installation and working of solar panels kept at the college rooftop.

Mr. Kevin P, Chair of IEEE PES SBC CEA welcomed the speaker. After introducing himself, Dr.John George talked about IEEE PES Day 2022 and its aim. He then first gave an overview of solar energy mentioning the working of a photovoltaic system. Then he explained about solar cells, solar panels, working of a PV cell, components used for designing a PV system, grid-connected photovoltaic system and the theoretical, financial aspect about selecting the components required for PV system designing. At the end of the first session the participants actively participated in the Q&A session and the speaker clarified their doubts.

The technical field visit of the workshop was conducted on the second day. Mr. Shine Raj,
Arshia Group, Kochi TATA Power Solar Vendor, who was in charge of the installation of the solar plant was present to give technical details about the plant. The field visit helped the participants to know more about the practical aspects of the solar plant kept at the rooftop of the college building at College of Engineering, Adoor
The speaker explained the layout as well as the function of different components of the solar plant in great detail during the visit. The session ended with Mr. Sujith Kumar A,Chairperson of IEEE SB CEA giving the vote of thanks.