Tech Pulse
To overview the events carried out in the months of November-December, IEEE SB CEA released its official newsletter, Tech Pulse for the month of February.
To overview the events carried out in the months of November-December, IEEE SB CEA released its official newsletter, Tech Pulse for the month of February.
The Quiz Club of IEEE SB CEA conducted its quiz for the month of February on 25th February 2023 at 7:30pm via Google Forms.
IEEE SB CEA conducted an online execom meet on 17 February 2023 via Google Meet for the discussion regarding the budget and planning of the IEEE Room.
TRA!N UP is a Skill Development Series organized by IEEE SB CEA. To begin the series the student branch brought up a talk session on ‘Basics Of Documentation’.
IEEE SB CEA organized its execom meet for the month of february on 8th February 2023 at the College Auditorium, CE Adoor. All the members of our student branch were invited for the meeting.
As a token of appreciation for the exemplary work done by the past execom members IEEE SB College of Engineering Adoor conducted Farewell 2022 on 8th February 2023 at College of Engineering Adoor. The volunteers shared their valuable experiences and inspired others.
The tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, Spectrum Talk for the month of February was conducted on 7th February 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.
IAS/IES Jt SBC of IEEE SB CEA conducted a membership development session 'Know your society ', for all students in the SB . The session was conducted at college auditorium on 4.30pm. The session was handled by Mr.Sajin Sachidanandan (founding chair IAS/IES Jt SBC of IEEE SB CEA, founder U-DNA educational foundation, Director ARMZ group)
KNOW YOUR SOCIETY was the first event organized by the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group, Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023. It was conducted on 1 February 2023 via online mode. The speaker for the session was Prof. Deepa A.K, Associate Professor, SCTEC Trivandrum, Vice Chair, WiE AG, IEEE Kerala Section. The session’s objective was to give 1st years an Introduction to Society.
IEEE SB CEA Quiz Club conducted its very first quiz of the year 2023 on 30th January 2023 at 7:30 pm via Google Forms