KNOW YOUR SOCIETY was the first event organized by the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group, Student Branch, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023. It was conducted on 1 February 2023 via online mode. The speaker for the session was Prof. Deepa A.K, Associate Professor, SCTEC Trivandrum, Vice Chair, WiE AG, IEEE Kerala Section. The session’s objective was to give 1st years an Introduction to Society.


Know Your Society

IEEE, College Of Engineering Adoor ,SB SIGHT organized an event, named Know your society on 29th January 2023 via online mode. Mr. Albin Paul, Chair IEEE PES YP 2023-24, Former chair of IEEE SIGHT VJCET SB, was the speaker of the session. The main purpose of the session was to give an introduction about IEEE SIGHT to all the 1st year volunteers.

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Know Your Society

An introductory and awareness session - 'Know Your Society', about IEEE PES, was held by IEEE PES SBC CEA on the 22nd January 2023. It was conducted in the form of a panel discussion session and it was mainly focused on the first year students.The speaker of the event was Mr. Saran K.S. He is the Chair of Awards & Recognitions Subcommittee, IEEE PES SCC. He is currently a Master's student in Electromobility-FAU, Germany. He was also the Former Chair of IEEE PES SBC CEA (2017-2018).

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Spectrum Talk

The much awaited tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, ‘Spectrum Talk’ was conductedon 20 January 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.

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KNOW YOUR SOCIETY was the very first event organized by IEEE, Robotics and Automation Society, Student Branch Chapter, College of Engineering Adoor in the year 2023 under the name “DEMYSTIFYING ROBOTICS”. It was conducted on 15th January 2023 via online mode. The speaker for the session was Mr. Jose Ben, Student Representative, IEEE RAS Kerala Chapter, Social Media Ambassador, IROS22 Project KMRL. This event was put in order to provide 1st years an Introduction to Society.



IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a membership development webinar session 'Know your society ', for all students in the SB . The session was conducted through Google meet platform at 7 pm. The session was handled by Mr. Akash Nair (Richard E Merwin Scholar Spring 2020 , Former Chairperson IEEE SB CEA, 2020-2021



The inauguration of IEEE CEA SB SIGHT, an event organised by IEEE SB CEA wasconducted on 13 December 2022 in SDPK Hall in College of Engineering Adoor. The Speakers of the session was Prof. Muhammed Kasim S, Vice-Chair of Kerala section and Prof. Sunitha Beevi K, Chair of Professional Activities. The session focused on the inauguration of IEEE CEA SB SIGHT as well as the introduction of our first project - To provide solar-powered sanitary napkin dispenser for women of economically backward classes.



The fourth talk of WOW 3.0, a session organised by IEEE PES KERALA CHAPTER in association with IEEE Women in Power Kerala, IEEE R10 PES Women in Power, IEEE Women in Engineering and IEEE PES SBC CEA was conducted on 28 November 2022 via online mode. The Speaker of the session was Ms.Shalini Nair,Co-Founder and Board Director at Ennoventure Inc.The session focused on putting into discussion the topic Women Representation in STEM.

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ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY and Computer society of IEEE SB CEA conducted an online puzzle competition. The competition was held through online platform. A registration fee of 20 ruppes was taken as participation fee.

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IEEE SB CEA organised an event LUCENT 6.0 by Mr. Sujith Kumar A for all first year students of the college as a part of the IEEE Induction Program.

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