As a part of International Women’s Day 2022, Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WiE AG) of IEEE SB CEA conducted a jigsaw puzzle competition,“VIRAGO”.
As a part of International Women’s Day 2022, Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WiE AG) of IEEE SB CEA conducted a jigsaw puzzle competition,“VIRAGO”.
A Membership Renewal Drive was organized by IEEE SB CEA as a part of Membership Development held from 2-28th February 2022. The aim of the Membership Renewal Drive was to increase the membership count of our Student Branch and Increase the number of both new members and the retention rate equally.
As a part of National Science Day celebrations 2022, Women in Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE SB CEA in association with Robotics and Automation Society conducted a webinar competition,“POTENTIA” on the topic "Contribution of Indian Women in the field of Science and Technology".This webinar ompetition was exclusively for first yearstudents.
The first session of BASIX, a 6-session basic skill development series organized by IEEE PES SBC CEA, Basics of Documentation was conducted online on 19th February 2022. The target behind the event was in imparting the knowledge of good documentation to the participants. The speaker of the webinar was Ms. Sherin Cherian, MDC IEEE PES YP Kerala. The event was held online through Google Meet and saw the participation of 22 students from different colleges and universities.
🗓️ 13th November, 2021
🕰️ 11 AM IST
Get ready for this exciting IV to explore the Schneider Electric World.
Book Your Seats on:
Be a part of a Global Community where you can bring the change. Where your growth help others grow. It doesn't matter whether you're a developer, a student learning to…
Topic : Basics of fx-991ES
Speaker🗣️ :
_Nestin Gregorios Sunny_
_Chairperson IEEE RAS SBC CEA_
Time⏰: 7 pm
Date🗓️ :22/10/2021
Platform💻: Google meet
Topic : Basics of Python programming
Speaker 🗣️: Anandhakrishnan G M
Time⏰ : 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Date🗓️ : 16 th and 17 th October 2021
Chances are rare, therefore don't miss out on any chance. Hurry up and register @
IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter is here to engage you all with a _Panel Discussion on the topic ‘Career Guidance for Engineering Students’_. The session will be moderated by Dr. Chitra Prasad, _Former Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam_.
Register Now @ bit.ly/EdSoc_PD1
🗒️ Date: October 9, 2021
⏱️ Time: 4.30 - 6.00PM IST
IEEE SB CEA officially launches IEEE QUIZ CLUB.
🪄 _The very first quiz will be held today at 7 PM._ 🪄
💡 Topic for Quiz: ABOUT IEEE
🕰️ Time: 7:00 PM - 7:10 PM
✨ E-certificates will be provided for all participants. ✨