Spectrum Talk
The much awaited tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, ‘Spectrum Talk’ was conductedon 20 January 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.
The much awaited tech talk session of IEEE SB CEA, ‘Spectrum Talk’ was conductedon 20 January 2023 at Seminar Hall, College of Engineering Adoor.
Tech Pulse is the official newsletter of IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor which was launched on 14th January 2023.
IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted a membership development webinar session 'Know your society ', for all students in the SB . The session was conducted through Google meet platform at 7 pm. The session was handled by Mr. Akash Nair (Richard E Merwin Scholar Spring 2020 , Former Chairperson IEEE SB CEA, 2020-2021
IEEE SB CEA organised the Annual General Body Meeting 2023 to appoint the newly elected members.