IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session named xenium about basics of proteus design suite to give knowledge to design electronics circuits.
IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session named xenium about basics of proteus design suite to give knowledge to design electronics circuits.
IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session named spectria to give more information about the IEEE Robotics And Automation Society
Green Hydrogen in a circular carbon Economy'was a distinguished lecture program conducted by IEEE IAS/IES jt SBC of CEA . The session was conducted online through Google meet platform by miss Anupama Thakur(Postdoctoral Research Associate, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-perdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI),USA and saw a participants of almost 40 students.
IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a quiz competition based on the topics listed on IEEE Spectrum June Issue 2022.
The IAS/IES JT SBC CEA organized a webinar titled ' TALK ON LinkedIn' .The program was conducted online through Google meet on 25th June 2022 at 6.30 pm. The session was conducted by Miss Staji Wilson (systems engineer at TATA consultancy services).
IEEE SB CEA and IEEE PES SBC CEA in collaboration with IEEE PES Kerala Chapter organized a 'Plant a sapling drive' and an 'Oath taking ceremony' as a part of Environment week celebration initiative on the 21th of June, 2022.
IEEE CS SBC CEA conducted CodeClick-I -'A placement fundamental quiz series' under the flagship program 'Void loop' in collaboration with IEEE CS SBC MITS .The Quiz was held through IEEE SBC CEA Website from 8:00 to 8:40 PM
As a part of WiE Compete, WiE Week celebration 2022, WiE AGs of IEEE SB GEC Palakkad and IEEE SB CEA conducted a Letter writing competition “To Someone Special” on the topic “To the women who inspired you”. The entries were collected via Google forms.
As a part of WiE Week celebration 2022 WiE Compete, Women in Engineering affinity groups of IEEE SB CEA and IEEE SB GEC Palakkad conducted a painting competition “Colours” on the topic “Women Safety”. The entries were collected via Google forms.
IEEE SB CEA organised an event ENLIGHT by Dr. John George and Mr. Sujith Kumar A for all school students preparing for KEAM under the college of engineering adoor as a part of the IEEE Induction Program.