IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session named xenium about basics of proteus design suite to give knowledge to design electronics circuits.

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IEEE RAS SBC CEA conducted a session named spectria to give more information about the IEEE Robotics And Automation Society

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Green Hydrogen in a Circular Carbon Economy

Green Hydrogen in a circular carbon Economy'was a distinguished lecture program conducted by IEEE IAS/IES jt SBC of CEA . The session was conducted online through Google meet platform by miss Anupama Thakur(Postdoctoral Research Associate, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-perdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI),USA and saw a participants of almost 40 students.

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As a part of WiE Compete, WiE Week celebration 2022, WiE AGs of IEEE SB GEC Palakkad and IEEE SB CEA conducted a Letter writing competition “To Someone Special” on the topic “To the women who inspired you”. The entries were collected via Google forms.



As a part of WiE Week celebration 2022 WiE Compete, Women in Engineering affinity groups of IEEE SB CEA and IEEE SB GEC Palakkad conducted a painting competition “Colours” on the topic “Women Safety”. The entries were collected via Google forms.

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IEEE SB CEA organised an event ENLIGHT by Dr. John George and Mr. Sujith Kumar A for all school students preparing for KEAM under the college of engineering adoor as a part of the IEEE Induction Program.

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