IEEE SB CEA had its much awaited spectrum talk organised by IEEE SB CEA. The event was held at Seminar Hall, CEA. The event had the gracious presence of Dr. Jayachandran E S (Branch Counsellor IEEE SB CEA) and Dr. John George (Advisor PES and IAS-IES Jt SB Chapters IEEE SB CEA).

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Pitch N’ Write

Power Energy Society Group of IEEE SB CEA in association with Robotics and Automation Society conducted an idea pitching competition,“Pitch N’ Write” on the topic "Robotics in green agriculture And Sustainability".

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As a part of International Moon Day 20th July 2022, Women in Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE SB CEA in association with Robotics and Automation Society conducted a collage making competition,“Seleno” on the topic "International Moon Day".

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Computer Society Group of IEEE SB CEA in association with Robotics and Automation Society and IEEE LINK conducted an online treasure hunt competition,“Techoryx”.

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