‘Green Hydrogen in a circular carbon Economy’was a distinguished
lecture program conducted by IEEE IAS/IES jt SBC of CEA . The session was conducted online through Google meet platform by miss Anupama Thakur(Postdoctoral Research Associate, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-perdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI),USA and saw a participants of almost 40 students.
The target behind the event is bringing a clear picture of
Hydrogen-The clean Future fuel. The secretary of PES SBC CEA ms Parvati welcomed the guest. The speaker started with the topic energy transition, solar energy harvesting systems like photo voltaic water splitting, PV solar cells, water splitting solar cells & so on.Then she move on Hydrogen & Green Hydrogen – its geological abundance,
different colours of hydrogen..The session continues with photoelectrochemical water splitting.At the end of the session,the speaker also went on with a Q&A session and finally the meeting ended with the wote of thanks by Ms Aswathi Gopi ( secretary IAS/ IES Jt SBC CEA ).The event was a great positive feedback from more than 35 participants.
Green Hydrogen in a Circular Carbon Economy