Date: 18 April 2024
Time: 04:30-05:30 PM
Venue: Rm no .308
IEEE SB CEA organized its execom meet for the month of April on 18th April 2024 at the College Auditorium, CE Adoor. All the members of our student branch were invited for the meeting.
Brief description
The first execom meet of IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Adoor was conducted on 18 April 2024 at Room No: 308, CEA. The meeting started with the call to order by Ms. Sneha mariyam Jose, Secretary, IEEE SB CEA in the absence of the Chair. It was followed by code of ethics by Ms. Sneha Mariyam Jose,Secretary, IEEE SB CEA. The meet further met with the presentations of all the societies and the main SB. The secretaries of the respective societies delivered the presentation. Dr. John George, VSAC Travancore Hub and IEEE Kerala Section, and Dr. Jayachandran C, Branch Counsellor of IEEE SB CEA, shared their insights regarding the effective working of the Student branch.The meeting was concluded with the adjournment byMs.Sneha Mariyam Jose,Secretary,IEEE SB CEA.
No. of participants:25